The Southern Juvenile Defender Center welcomes you to our seventh annual regional summit hosted by the Barton Child Law & Policy Center at Emory University School of Law. We invite you to come together with your colleagues from across the Southern states to participate in a one-of-a-kind program to celebrate the 50th anniversary of In re Gault.
Event Details: The Summit will take place at Emory Law School, 1301 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30322 on June 2-3, 2017.
Lodging Details: A room block has been reserved at the Courtyard Marriott in downtown Decatur. To book your room at the discounted rate of $149 per night plus tax, you may call Marriott Central Reservations, 1-888-236-2427 and mention Emory Law School/SJDC room block. You may also make reservations online at You may need to enter the special group code ELSELSA for king rooms or ELSELSB for double queen rooms. Rooms must be reserved by May 8, 2017.
Scholarship Information: Partial scholarship assistance is available to cover lodging expenses. Scholarship recipients must be willing to share a two-bed hotel room with another attendee and to pay $25 per night toward the cost of the room. To inquire about a scholarship, contact Randee J. Waldman at and Whitney Untiedt at
Agenda: Summit Agenda
Registration Link:
Please register for the summit by May 11, 2017.
Note: Failure to cancel your registration for the SJDC Regional Summit by May 25, 2017 will result in a $100.00 fee payable to SJDC.