From A Lawyer's View: OJD Out In the Field – Coming Soon to a Courthouse Near You
From a Lawyer's View: OJD Youth Defender Forums 2022
Week In Review: September 19-23
From a Lawyer's View: Gold Mine: Ethics Compliance Resource
When Your Career Careens into Realty – A Juvenile Defender’s Thoughts This Father's Day
From a Lawyer's View: What If My 13-, 14- or 15-Year-Old Client Gets Indicted?
White Paper on the Science of Late Adolescence: A Guide for Judges, Attorneys, and Policy Makers
Week in Review: February 14-18
From A-Non Lawyer's View: Once Upon a Time in My Black Experience
From A Lawyer's View: A Trip Down Juvenile History, by Burcu Hensley
From a Lawyer's View: Secure Custody & Documentation
Week in Review: August 2-6
Reflecting on J.D.B. v. North Carolina, Part Two
From A Lawyer’s View: The Kitchen Sink
Week in Review: Dec 7-11
Week in Review: Aug 31-Sept 4
Week in Review: July 13-17
Week in Review: June 15-19
Podcast Alert!
Week in Review: Dec 6-10