Happy Friday! This week there is one job posting, but please ignore the deadlines on the page and send any questions/applications to the provided email. We also have a few new training opportunities worth checking out, including one hosted by our own office.
Job Opportunity
The Southern Coalition for Social Justice still has an opening for an executive director. The ideal candidate will have strong organizational, communication, and leadership skills, a demonstrated passion for social and racial justice, and experience in developing successful relationships in diverse communities. For the full job description, please check the post here, and to apply please send all queries here.

The Office of the Juvenile Defender will be hosting a Juvenile Court Basics Training on June 29. This training will be held at 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, N.C. 28401 in the 6th floor training room from 9 a.m. until noon. Attorneys from all districts are invited to attend. We hope to see you there! Other Juvenile Court Basics trainings could be arranged future at a district near you in the future!
Save the Date! The Bridging The Gap III Seminar will be in Winston-Salem September 20-21, 2018. Participants in this seminar will be awarded 10.25 CLE credit hours, including 1.5 credit hours in ethics, professional responsibility and professionalism. The registration fee is $115.00. The focus of this seminar will be on client and family relations, and pretrial resolution. Registration and hotel information will be published in early July. A block of 40 rooms will be available once the registration is published. For an attorney to attend he or she must have at least 7 years’ experience. The “ gap” in Bridging The Gap describes lawyers who have never taken murder cases and are considering taking them on, and lawyers who have taken non-capital murder cases and are considering taking capital cases. The seminar, hosted by the Office of the Capital Defender, focuses on issues relevant to both non-capital and capital murder cases. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Terry Alford.

The deadline to register for the 2018 Annual Contractor and Assigned Counsel Training will be 4 p.m. next Friday, June 15. This training is to be held on June 22 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the School of Government in Chapel Hill. This training, cosponsored by the Office of Indigent Defense Services (IDS) and the School of Government, is open to all IDS contract attorneys who represent defendants in misdemeanor and felony cases and all privately assigned counsel. Topics will include case law updates, defending habitual felony cases, suppressing evidence in district court, defending domestic violence cases, immigration update and mitigation investigation. The sponsors have already applied for one CLE credit hour of substance abuse/mental health and five general CLE credit hours. Lunch will be provided. To register for this annual training, please visit the page here. The registration fee is $165.00 and preregistration will be required but space is limited. For additional info please contact Austine Long or Susan Jensen.
The 2018 Defender Trial School, cosponsored by the School of Government and the North Carolina Office of Indigent Defense Services, will be held Monday, July 9, through Friday, July 13, at the School of Government on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus. The online registration deadline will be at 5 p.m. on Monday, June 25, and interested parties may register here. Defender Trial School participants will use their own cases to develop a cohesive theory of defense at trial and apply that theory through all stages of trial, including voir dire, opening and closing arguments, and direct and cross-examination. The program will offer approximately 30 hours of general CLE credit and qualifies for NC State Bar criminal law specialization credit, but attendees must attend all sessions. The Defender Trial School is open to public defenders and a limited number of private attorneys who perform a significant amount of appointed work. The registration fee for privately assigned counsel will be $700, which includes materials, breaks, lunches and parking, however Valerie Pearce and Tucker Charns can provide info for those interested in fellowships. For additional info, please check out the program webpage.

Registration is open for the N.C. Bar Association’s annual meeting, this year titled “The Future of Law”. This event will be hosted at the Wilmington Convention Center from June 21 – 24. Topics covered will include artificial intelligence, virtual reality, design thinking in the law, and the future of legal service delivery. For further info and to register please check out the NCBA website and the event brochure.
Please save the dates for the 2018 Parent Attorney and Juvenile Defender Conferences. Parent Attorney Conference will be held Thursday, August 16 and Juvenile Defender Conference will be held Friday, August 17. Both conferences, cosponsored by the School of Government and the Office of Indigent Defense Services, will be held at the School of Government on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus, offer approximately six hours of CLE credit, and feature speakers from across the state. Registration will open in mid-June with a formal announcement and full details.
From Around the Community
Early bird registration for the 81st Annual National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Conference ends today. The event this year will take place at the Hyatt Regency Denver at the Colorado Convention Center from July 22 – 25. The conference will offer presentations/training tracks on topics such as family law, juvenile justice, child welfare, and family violence. This conference is judicially-focused and open to all those interested in the improvement of juvenile and family justice. For registration and further info, please visit the NCJFCJ website here.
The National Juvenile Justice Network will be hosting its 2018 Forum in Durham, N.C. from July 16 – 18 at the Duke University School of Law (210 Science Dr, Durham, NC 27708). This event, co-hosted by the Youth Justice Project of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice and Duke Children’s Law Clinic, is meant to be a fun networking and training setting for juvenile justice advocates. July 16 and 17 will be open to NJJN members only, and the final day will be open to the public. For details on travel assistance, the current agenda, and lodging, please visit their site here.
The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform has released a request for applications for the 2018 School-Justice Partnerships and Diversion Pathways Certificate Program to be held Sept. 24 – 28, in Washington, D.C. This program, held in partnership with the American Institutes for Research and the National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice, will provide an intensive, week-long training to help school and district staff, court professionals, law enforcement, and child-serving leaders address the needs of youth involved in or at risk of entering the juvenile justice system. The deadline for applications will be June 15.
Thank you for making it to the end of this week’s wrap-up. We will bring more in the coming weeks!
#YouthJusticeProject #Training #murder #Leadership #seminar #familylaw #felony #virtualreality #artificialintelligence #IDS #misdemeanor #Durham #familyjustice #atriskyouth #familyviolence #JuvenileDefender #SchoolofLaw #JuvenileJustice #ethics #DukeUniversity #SchoolofGovernment #childwelfare #SchoolJusticePartnershipProject #conference #CenterforJuvenileJusticeReform #NCStateBar #voirdire #Contractors #NCBarAssociation #AmericanInstitutesforResearch #NationalCenterforMentalHealthandJuvenileJustice #CLE #SouthernCoalitionforSocialJustice #NationalJuvenileJusticeNetwork #ChapelHill #JobOpportunity #Wilmington #NationalCouncilofJuvenileJusticeandFamilyCourtJudges