This week, as we get closer to Christmas, our gifts to you are… more reminders for training!

Training Now and For the Year to Come
The National Juvenile Defender Center and the Georgetown Law Juvenile Justice Clinic are now accepting applications for the 2018 Juvenile Training Immersion Program (JTIP) Summer Academy. This annual week-long intensive training offers juvenile defenders a specially-tailored curriculum developed by juvenile defense experts from across the country that will enhance the defenders’ ability to provide the best representation for their clients. The 2018 JTIP Summer Academy will be held at Georgetown Law in Washington, D.C. from June 10-16. This event is open exclusively to frontline defenders. Applications must be submitted to no later than Jan. 15, 2018, and a nonrefundable $200 deposit is required for each participant upon registration, which will cover training materials and CLE credit approval. All participants will be responsible for their own housing and travel expenses, and should plan accordingly to attend for the full week. To apply and to find more details, please find an application here or you may also visit their website. Also, check out Drew Kukorowski’s post where he briefly recounts his experience in the program in 2016, which can be found here on our blog.
Registration is now open for the Judicial Institute on Domestic Child Sex Trafficking. Hosted by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges in collaboration with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) and Rights4Girls, this interactive training will include hypothetical scenarios, case scenarios, lectures, small group discussions, and practical courtroom exercises focused on the issue of child sex trafficking in the U.S. This free training will be held in Asheville on Feb. 12-14. Judges and judicial officers are encouraged to register here.
On Dec. 19, from 3-4 p.m. OJJDP in collaboration with The Innocent Justice Foundation will host a free webinar titled “Maintaining Your Balance – Resiliency Action Plan.” This webinar is intended to assist law enforcement and other juvenile justice professionals in developing a resiliency action plan to help them succeed in both their professional and personal lives after experiencing “vicarious trauma due to their work regarding commercial sexual exploitation of children and violence and abuse against children.” To register for this please check out their website here.
Registration is now officially open for “Regional Training for Indigent Defense: Defending Sexual Offenses”, hosted by the UNC School of Government. This CLE will focus on defending sexual offenses with sessions on physical evidence, cross-examining experts, and motions and legal issues. The event will be held on Feb. 8, 2018 at 1801 Nash St., Sanford, N.C. in the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center. This program is open to all IDS contract attorneys and privately assigned counsel representing indigent clients and will offer 3.0 hours of CLE credit. There is an $85 registration fee that will cover CLE credits, snacks, and materials. The deadline for registration will be 5 p.m. on Jan. 29, 2018. Please find further details and register here.
That wraps up this week. While news may be light in the juvenile defense community as we round out the year, we will do our best to keep everyone updated and reminded of the training and job opportunities available. Be sure to like and subscribe to our social media channels, and we will have more to come soon!
#Training #Rights4Girls #Washington #JudicialInstituteonDomesticChildSexTrafficking #NationalJuvenileDefenderCenter #OfficeofJuvenileJusticeandDelinquencyPrevention #SexOffenses #indigentdefense #deadline #TheInnocentJusticeFoundation #GeorgetownLawJuvenileJusticeClinic #JuvenileDefense #Asheville #JuvenileJustice #UNC #JTIP #webinar #evidence #SchoolofGovernment #Sanford #registration #CLE #Experts #NationalCouncilofJuvenileJusticeandFamilyCourtJudges