The North Carolina Advocates for Justice’s Juvenile Defense Section and the Office of the Juvenile Defender will be hosting a free CLE in Salisbury, N.C. on April 27 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The event will take place at Morgan Ridge Railwalk on 421 North Lee Street. A lunch social will also be held prior to the training starting at 1 p.m.
The training will be titled “Client Representation: Adolescent Brains, Examining Children on the Stand, and the Impact of Raise the Age”. Speakers will include Juvenile Defender Eric Zogry, Valerie Pearce, regional defender and certified child welfare legal specialist, and Dr. Cindy Cottle, forensic psychologist.
CLE credit hours are currently pending, but are expected to be approved at a later date. For more information please find the flier here.