Happy Friday Readers! Can you believe it’s the middle of the month already? Well, here’s to another week down with a tip, a couple announcements and an opportunity!

If you have a client being held on a secure custody order – remember it’s the STATE’s burden to prove to the court, by clear and convincing evidence, that the juvenile should remain in custody AND no less intrusive alternative will suffice (§7B-1906(d)). That means it’s not the court counselor’s role! Ask the court for less restrictive means, for example electronic monitoring or house arrest. If the court finds that your client should remain in custody, the court is bound by the criteria in §7B-1903 and must make written findings of fact.

July 24, 2020 at 3:00-4:00 PM. Interviewing and Counseling Youth: Presented by Dorothy Hairston-Mitchell, Clinical Assistant Professor & Supervising Attorney, Juvenile Law Clinic at NCCU. You can register here and will be sent the meeting link information afterwards.

August 7, 2020 from 3:00-4:00 PM. Jen Story, Tessa Hale, Mary Stansell are presenting a new CLE: Making the Connection- Education Advocacy and Juvenile Defense. Come to this session to learn the basics of special education laws and school-based intervention plans; how to issue-spot when students’ unaddressed needs in schools are exacerbating their behaviors; and how to incorporate this knowledge into your advocacy in a way that sets juveniles up for long-term success. You can register for this CLE here and will be sent the meeting link information afterwards
Both CLEs are DEFENDER ONLY! OJD is covering CLE costs for the first 30 registrants and CLE is pending.
SAVE THE DATE! July 30, 2020 6:00-8:00 OJD along with Dorothy Hairston-Mitchell of the NCCU School of Law and The Virtual Justice Project, are hosting, COVID-19: The State of Our Mental Health Part II. More details to come!

LaTobia is looking for guest bloggers to contribute to our Week in Review. Defenders and those in juvenile justice are welcome to write in on topics of their expertise: secure custody, mental health in juveniles, etc! We want to hear from you! There’s plenty more weeks left in the year! Reach out to LaTobia here for more information.