Happy Friday Readers! It's time for another week in review leading us into the weekend. This week we have a fun new tip from Project Attorney Yolanda Fair, a webinar announcement to get a sneak peek at the new J-411 AOC form, and an opportunity to take part in a survey. Let's get started.
Tip of the Week
Language is constantly changing. The slang that was popular back in 2010 is different than what is popular now. While a client using popular slang may feel different than having a client speaking a completely different language, it is still important to ensure we’re effectively communicating and understanding our young clients. Do you know what your client means when they say things like “no cap,” “bet,” or that someone “understood the assignment?”
While we don’t want to use popular slang to try to relate to our clients, we do want to make sure we understand what they are telling us. Working with youth often requires us to try to understand what is going on in our client’s worlds to get a sense of their lives, their goals, and the person they want to become.
Moreover, as we recently learned in our Digital Evidence Part II CLE and in our last blog, youth are spending a good portion of their time on social media. You may also receive discovery in your case that is a social media printout covered in acronyms or slang shorthand. What are some of the common popular slang terms now? Here are some helpful videos that may be able to assist you:
1. 2022 Popular Social Media Terms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09n6E-Dy2do
2. 2021 Popular Terms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrpSBGU7SWM
AOC J-411 Form Webinar
Join OJD on August 1, 2022, 12:30-1:45 PM we learn about updates to the AOC J-411 fee application for juvenile delinquency defenders. Learn about useful updates and the process of submitting your fee app. IDS Staff Attorney Chad Boykin and Juvenile Defender Eric Zogry will give an overview of all the changes to the form and will also walk attorneys through how complete the form and how to submit the form for payment. This will be a webinar with an interactive question and answer. This training will NOT be for CLE credit but will be a great opportunity to learn about important updates and ensure payment for your hard work.
If you are interested in attending this webinar, please click here to register.
Research Study on Youth Probation by Lili Ramos and Clinical Psychology Doctoral student at John Jay College of Criminal Justice
You are invited to participate in a research study examining attorneys’ perspectives on parental involvement in juvenile probation, juvenile law training experiences, and practices in juvenile probation case planning. We are recruiting active attorneys in the United States with experience representing juvenile clients to participate in an online survey that takes approximately 15 minutes.
You are eligible to participate in this study if you are:
• An active attorney in the United States
• Currently representing or have represented juvenile client(s) in the past year
• English-speaking
• At least 18-years-old
In exchange for your time and effort, you will have the option to select a nonprofit organization focused on promoting positive outcomes for youth from a predetermined list, to which the research team will donate $10 for each participant.
To participate, please go to https://gccunyep.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8AD8pQj7C955j7w
Regardless of whether you decide to participate, we would appreciate it if you would forward this email to any attorney colleagues who you think may be interested.
Thank you for your time and assistance in this research. If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact Lili Ramos (Principal Investigator) at liramos@jjay.cuny.edu or Dr. Emily Haney-Caron (Faculty Advisor) at ehaney-caron@jjay.cuny.edu.