Another Friday in the books. This week we have a JTIP opportunity coming from NJDC, an OJD job posting, and OJD Roundtable, which is a new video podcast with the office and special guests. Our first Roundtable episode is a recap of SB 207 and some helpful tips.
Let us know your thoughts and let's get started.

The Office of the Indigent Defense Services has been awarded a three-year grant from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and a two-year grant from the Governors Crime Commission and with two new grants, OJD is hiring a Project Attorney.
The Project Attorney will: Provide oversight for the project and maintain grant compliance and reporting, including developing and analyzing project success measurements and grant budgets, assist in the development of training materials, and present at conferences, webinars, live training, and summits, with additional responsibilities listed.
NJDC: 2022 JTIP Summer Academy
Held on the Georgetown Law campus in Washington, DC from June 19 – June 25, 2022, the National Juvenile Defender Center and the Georgetown Law Juvenile Justice Initiative are accepting applications for the 2022 JTIP Summer Academy. This JTIP Academy is for both new and experienced attorneys, increasing skills and enhancing defense strategies through unique thought leadership and discussions.
For more information on how to apply see the attached application.
Applications are to be submitted via email to lawjtipsummer@georgetown.edu, using the official PDF application. Please save your application as a single PDF with “First Name Last Name JTIPSA 2022” as the file name.
The deadline for application submission is January 7th, 2022, at 11:59 PM EST. Late applications will not be considered.
OJD Roundtable
We hope you enjoy the first installment of the OJD Roundtable. This conversation discusses Senate Bill 207 and highlights important questions attorneys asked regarding the new legislation. Please take a moment to watch and share your thoughts with us.