Happy Friday and the last weekend of August! Only 4 more months left in the year, how will you make them great?

Defenders – you have a statutory right to discovery in all of your juvenile cases (§7B-2300-2303). Don’t be afraid to use it! Some jurisdictions provide it without a motion, but it’s never bad practice to file your motion regardless. You can find a sample discovery motion and order here on our website.
September CLE

Friday September 25, 2020, 2:30-3:30 PM OJD is hosting “Defend Children From ICE.” Presented by Helen Parsonage, Board Certified Immigration Specialist and FREE to the first 35 DEFENDERS who register. Discussing the topic of children and immigration, strategies in your defense and other great information, you DON’T want to miss this training. Who could turn down free learning? Register here. PLEASE PUT YOUR BAR NUMBER IN THE JOB FIELD BOX.
Save the Date!
Save October 2, 2020 from 10 am to 3 pm on your calendars for a symposium on The Roles of Prosecutor and Public Defender in Criminal Justice, Reform, sponsored by NC CRED. More information can be found via by clicking here.
Want to be featured on “A Lawyer’s View?”

LaTobia is looking for guest bloggers to contribute to our Week in Review. Defenders and those in juvenile justice are welcome to write in on topics of their expertise: secure custody, mental health in juveniles, etc! We want to hear from you! There’s plenty more weeks left in the year! Reach out to LaTobia here for more information.