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REMINDER: JWISE Juvenile Attorney Access Available


In the beginning of July, as a result of Raise the Age, juvenile defense attorneys were granted access to some court data through the juvenile attorney portal of JWISE.  This database provides attorneys quick access to all of the essential information about their open juvenile delinquency cases.  We just want to encourage all attorneys to take advantage of this resource.

All staff of the public defender offices and privately assigned counsel with a bar number will have access to this tool, but access must first be requested through AOC using the form provided here.  Once the form is filled out, it must be faxed to AOC (not the clerk’s office) for activation.  Once access is granted, both privately assigned counsel and public defenders may log into JWise using the link here.  Public defenders also have the option to access the database via Juno.

There is a walkthrough video provided to assist attorneys in using and accessing the system.  The AOC Help Desk is also available to assist with any technical issues and OJD will continue to assist in any way that we can.  For more details, please take a moment to read our original post here.



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