Very recently the UNC School of Government released Raising Issues of Race in North Carolina Criminal Cases, a reference manual authored by Alyson Grine and Emily Coward. Although intended for defense counsel in adult criminal cases, there is much included that is helpful to juvenile defenders as well. For example, the Chapter 1 clearly lays out the history of race in the criminal justice system, and be sure to check out Judge Louis Trosch’s person revelations in juvenile delinquency court on pages I-8 and I-9. Chapter 2 addresses Race and Police Investigations. This chapter should be of particular interest to juvenile defenders representing clients charged in school settings, as more and more School Resource Officers (SROs) interact daily with youth and frequently are the first source to gather information or evidence. Although sentencing in adult court and disposition hearings in delinquency court can be very different, be sure to check out Chapter 9 on Sentencing, especially Section 9.4 on Effective Sentencing Advocacy. This section has some great ideas that juvenile defenders can apply in dispositional advocacy. Lastly, Chapter 10 provides a wealth of information on different sources of materials on race, include referring to OJD’s Addressing Disproportionate Contact (DMC) in Juvenile Delinquency Court,
You can find Raising Issues of Race in North Carolina Criminal Cases here: