Happy October! The first week of the month was pretty easy for OJD. We spent time preparing for RTA & Juvenile Basics CLE training in Greensboro (which is on October 10). Please reach out to our office if you’re interested in attending.
DEFENDERS PLEASE NOTE: “A quick reminder about fee applications…Any offense originally charged as a Class E through I felony disposed of in juvenile court after December 1, 2018 is paid at $60 per hour. For more information about privately assigned counsel rates, click here.”
No Cookie Cutter Dispositions!
Remember – disposition MUST be tailored to your specific client (§7B-2500) – don’t be afraid to argue against “cookie cutter” plans. For example – if your client has no known drug/alcohol history, why should s/he be subject to random drug screens as part of probation? Ask your client if s/he hunts – depending on the charge your client was adjudicated for, consider requesting the prohibition against weapons be waived if s/he is hunting with a responsible adult.
The Office of Indigent Services (IDS) is seeking a Legal Associate, direct reporting to the Deputy Director. Responsibilites include:
Review correspondence from clients and draft responses under direction of legal staff.
Assist office manager and Deputy Director in revising record retention policy and implementing digital record retention policy.
Manage IDS website content in coordination with Deputy Director, state defenders, fiscal staff, and IT director.
For a full description and to apply, visit here.
That’s it for this week. We hope you have a safe weekend, enjoy the upcoming fall weather if you already aren’t, and remember, we are on Twitter (@NCOJD) and Facebook (NC Office of the Juvenile Defender). See you Monday!