We hope everyone had a great Halloween, and this week we’ve got a few new updates to resources, training info, and reminders for you.
A Few Treats and (Possibly New) Tricks You Can Use

The Youth Justice Project has released a new report titled “Putting Justice in North Carolina’s Juvenile System”. This report points out areas in which North Carolina’s juvenile justice system is failing youth, especially youth of color. The report identifies five major barriers that are hindering the N.C. juvenile justice system, including one which sites inadequate resources for OJD. You can read the report here.
The W. Haywood Burns Institute has updated its interactive map which illustrates significant racial and ethnic disparities in youth incarceration rates. Through this map you can review how your state ranks in incarceration rates, compare which counties have incarcerated the most youth by race, and filter data by measurement, race, offense and placement type. You can view the map on their website here.
Registration is now open for the Winter Criminal Law Webinar: Case and Legislative Update. This webinar is open to public defenders and private attorneys who are interested in or currently practicing indigent defense work and will cover recent criminal law decisions from the N.C. Appellate Court and N.C. Supreme Court. The training will be held from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 8, and will reward participants with 1.5 hours of general CLE credit. There is a registration fee of $75 for privately assigned counsel, contract attorneys and other non-IDS employees. Registration ends on Dec. 6 at 5 p.m. To register and find more info on presenters and topics included in this event, please visit the School of Government’s page.

Stretched and Fading Deadlines
The Center for Death Penalty Litigation in Durham has extended its deadline for applications for a new staff attorney. The closing date for this position will now be November 13. You can view the full details about this position and how to apply here.
Applications for the North Carolina Judicial Fellowship’s two-year fellowships (six openings) beginning in August 2018 will close today at 5 p.m. If you want to get in a last-minute application, feel free to check their website and submit it fast!
And that is all for this week. There will be more to come in the next few weeks, even in the holiday season, so continue to check back frequently. Also, feel free to join the conversation on our social media pages and feel free to share, especially on the OJD Facebook page, if there is something you think is worth discussing in the juvenile defender community!
#YouthJusticeProject #Training #RacialJustice #statistics #Durham #indigentdefense #NorthCarolina #CourtofAppeals #fellowship #JuvenileJustice #NCJudicialFellowship #webinar #race #disparities #SchoolofGovernment #resources #WHaywoodBurnsInstitute #SupremeCourtofNC #CLE #CenterforDeathPenaltyLitigation #JobOpportunity