This week we’ve got a new update regarding Raise the Age, a valuable resource for defenders and, as usual, we’ve got some new training opportunities and job opportunities for you as well.
New JJAC Report

The Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC) released its first report on Mar. 1, which can now be found on our “Raise the Age” page under the “Information for Defenders” tab. We’ve added a new section to the “Raise the Age” page dedicated to providing updates from JJAC to allow everyone to follow the Committee’s progress. This report details the key implementation dates for initiatives proposed in the Juvenile Justice Reinvestment Act, the Committee’s requests for a unified video conferencing system, recommendations for transfer and housing of juveniles, requests from JJAC, OJD, and the Administrative Office of the Courts for additional funding, staff and other resources, dates for community and stakeholder forums, and other recommendations and plans of JJAC and its subcommittees. A summary of the JJAC meeting prior to the report can be found here on our site.
Job/Fellowship Opportunities
The National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) is currently hiring a strategic communications manager. The individual in this position will be responsible for crafting organizational messaging, overseeing editorial excellence, and working with leadership to implement a communications strategy that is creative, forward-thinking, and reflective of NJDC’s vision. This position will remain opened until filled. To find further info about the position and how to apply, please go here.
The UNC School of Government is seeking a tenure-track full-time permanent assistant professor of juvenile justice and criminal law. The selected candidate for this position will be expected “to write for, advise, plan courses for, and teach” public officials, including judges, magistrates, law enforcement, prosecutors and defenders. Applications will remain open until the position is filled. The expected starting date for the new hire will be July 1. Please find the full details for the position and how to apply here.
The National Juvenile Justice Network (NJJN) is now accepting applications for its 2018-19 Youth Justice Leadership Institute. This is an annual year-long fellowship program that selects 10 people of color working as professionals in the juvenile justice field to participate in a curriculum to develop their leadership and advocacy skills. The fellowship can be completed with the fellows’ current employment, so those selected will not have to leave their jobs to participate in the Institute. The fellowship will include two fully financed retreats, mentoring and frequent distance learning opportunities. NJJN has already hosted one informational webinar on Mar. 8 and will host the next on Apr. 2. To register for one of this webinar, please visit here. Applications for the Institute (found here) must be submitted by Apr. 23.
Save the Date! NJDC will be hosting the 2018 Juvenile Defender Leadership Summit in St. Paul, Minnesota on Oct. 26-28. We will be sure to provide further details for this event as they arrive.
Disability Rights North Carolina will be hosting its 2018 Disability Advocacy Conference on Apr. 19. The conference offers five CLE credits for lawyers, including one credit hour for substance abuse/mental health awareness. Sessions include parental rights, restrictive interventions in public schools, guardianship reforms, and a session exclusively tailored to attorneys titled “Recognizing and Responding to a Lawyer with a Mental Health Disorder”, just to name a few. To learn more about this event and register please visit their web page here.
On March 12, 2018, from 4 to 5 p.m. ET, the Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators‘ Positive Youth Outcomes Committee will host “Classroom Excellence in Secure Residential Facilities.” This webinar will highlight work to improve the quality of education provided to at-risk, low-income, minority teenagers and young adults who are attending schools in alternative settings, including youth correctional facilities. You can register for the webinar here.
New Resources
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has released the Juvenile Residential Facility Census Databook, the latest addition to the Data Analysis Tools section of its Statistical Briefing Book. National and state data from 2000 to 2014 describing the characteristics of residential placement facilities that hold juvenile offenders are now available for analysis. This includes operation, classification, size, and crowding.
Events Around the Community
The North Carolina Bar Association Juvenile Justice and Children’s Rights Section will be holding a council meeting on March 22, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. A networking reception will be held directly after the meeting at Whiskey Kitchen on 201 W. Martin St. and appetizers and a cash bar will be provided. All section members and attorneys who could be members are welcome to attend and may RSVP here.
And that sums it up for this week. We will have some more updates to our social media channels and more news you can use in the coming weeks, so please check back with us often. Invitations are still open for guest bloggers and podcast guests as well, so feel free to reach out. Until next week, we wish you well!
#Training #Leadership #research #statistics #JuvenileJusticeReinvestmentAct #NationalJuvenileDefenderCenter #childrensrights #Minnesota #DisabilityRightsNC #parentalrights #OfficeofJuvenileJusticeandDelinquencyPrevention #NCBarAssociation #JuvenileJusticeAdvisoryCommittee #YouthJusticeLeadershipInstitute #summit #fellowship #JuvenileJustice #UNC #StPaul #webinar #juveniles #SchoolofGovernment #resources #conference #Report #RaiseTheAge #MentalHealth #NationalJuvenileJusticeNetwork #JobOpportunity