And… we’re back to another Friday! There is little news for this week with the exception of one new training opportunity and one new resource, but mostly reminders.
New Resource
In partnership with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), the National Juvenile Defender Center released “Addressing Bias in Delinquency and Child Welfare Systems“, a bench card emphasizing that “eliminating racial and ethnic disparities in juvenile and family courts is critical to creating a fair and equitable system of justice for all youth.” This tool is meant to educate juvenile and family court judges about structural, explicit, and implicit bias, providing judges with self-reflection tools to help them recognize and prevent bias in their courtroom and offer concrete strategies to correct implicit bias.
Registration is now open for the 2018 Misdemeanor Defender Training, which will take place at the UNC-Chapel Hill campus from Sept. 18 – 21. This training, cosponsored by the Office of Indigent Defense Services and the School of Government, will be an introductory program for attorneys who are new to handling misdemeanor cases and will offer 21.5 CLE credit hours, including one hour of ethics/professional responsibility credit and qualifies for criminal law specialization credit. Attendees can expect sessions that will cover topics such as impaired driving, probation violations, ethical issues in district court, and much more. The registration deadline will be 5 p.m. on Aug. 30 and the deadline for the hotel block will be Aug. 28. There will be no onsite registration. The fee for privately assigned counsel will be $560, but the program will be free for IDS state employees. There is a new online registration system being used that will require first-time users to create an account, but if any issues should arise, please contact or check the FAQ page. For further questions contact either Tanya Jisa or Phil Dixon,Jr.

Registration is open for the 2018 Parent Attorney and Juvenile Defender Conferences until 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 3. The Parent Attorney Conference will be held Thursday, August 16, and Juvenile Defender Conference will be held Friday, August 17. Both conferences, cosponsored by the School of Government and the Office of Indigent Defense Services, will be held at the School of Government on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus, offer approximately six hours of CLE credit, and feature speakers from across the state. The conferences are free for IDS state employees but there is a $165 registration fee for privately assigned counsel. You can register and find further details regarding the Parent Attorney Conference here, or go here for the Juvenile Defender Conference. For any questions about the conference, please contact Tanya Jisa, or for questions about the course content, please contact Austine Long.
Save the Date! The Bridging The Gap III Seminar will be in Winston-Salem September 20-21, 2018. Participants in this seminar will be awarded 10.25 CLE credit hours, including 1.5 credit hours in ethics, professional responsibility and professionalism. The registration fee is $115.00. The focus of this seminar will be on client and family relations, and pretrial resolution. Registration and hotel information will be published in early July. A block of 40 rooms will be available once the registration is published. For an attorney to attend he or she must have at least 7 years’ experience. The “ gap” in Bridging The Gap describes lawyers who have never taken murder cases and are considering taking them on, and lawyers who have taken non-capital murder cases and are considering taking capital cases. The seminar, hosted by the Office of the Capital Defender, focuses on issues relevant to both non-capital and capital murder cases. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Terry Alford.
Job /Funding Opportunity
The Governor’s Crime Commission is soliciting proposals to conduct an assessment study of specific aspects of disproportionate minority contact within the state’s juvenile justice system. The award will be in the range of $50,000 to $100,000 for a six-month period. Interested parties can download a copy of the Request for Proposal (RFP) document here. Proposals will be accepted until 5 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 6. For additional information, please check out the GCC website, or if you have questions, contact Lead Juvenile Justice Planner Carlotta Winstead by email or call 919-733-4564.
The National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) is currently seeking a research manager. The ideal candidate will have at least 5 years of experience, a commitment to advancing improvements in juvenile defense policy and practice, a love of research, writing, and critical thinking, and an eagerness to build a career at the intersection of youth justice and social change. The selected candidate will be responsible for developing and executing research efforts to advance NJDC’s mission, and strengthening the empirical qualities and evaluating the impact of NJDC’s work on the community. This position will remain open until filled. For more information please check here.

The Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS) in Massachusetts is currently accepting applications for a Deputy Chief Counsel of the Private Counsel Division, who is a member of the senior management team that develops and implements fiscal, operational, human resource, and legislative policies. The Private Counsel Division is responsible for delivering legal services to indigent clients through assigned private attorneys in criminal defense trial and post-conviction cases as well as commitment and registration cases for persons convicted of sex offenses. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. For more info please check here.
The Southern Coalition for Social Justice still has an opening for an executive director. The ideal candidate will have strong organizational, communication, and leadership skills, a demonstrated passion for social and racial justice, and experience in developing successful relationships in diverse communities. For the full job description, please check the post here, and to apply please send all queries here.
That is all for this week! We will have more news in the future, so check back soon.
#Leadership #RacialJustice #seminar #familycourt #PhilDixon #TerryAlford #IDS #NationalJuvenileDefenderCenter #parents #WinstonSalem #Massachusetts #JuvenileJustice #TanyaJisa #SchoolofGovernment #GovernorsCrimeCommission #judges #CarlottaWinstead #AustineLong #CLE #SouthernCoalitionforSocialJustice #ChapelHill #JobOpportunity #NewResource #CommitteeforPublicCounselServices #NationalCouncilofJuvenileJusticeandFamilyCourtJudges