Happy Labor Day Weekend! The news is actually getting slower at the moment but here is something the juvenile defender community may be interested in…
Raise the Age
On Friday, Aug. 24, the Juvenile Jurisdiction Advisory Committee met and the Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice offered new updates on the implementation plan for Raise the Age. If you are interested in what was discussed, please check out the material here.

On Nov. 16, the UNC School of Government will be hosting a Back to School CLE from 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. The training offers 6.25 hours of CLE credit, including an hour of ethics and an optional hour of substance abuse credit. Topics will include civil and criminal case law and legislative updates, the opioid epidemic, and a review and preview of the U.S. Supreme Court. Registration will be $300. Lunch will be provided. To register please visit the UNC SOG site here.
That is it… Have a safe and exciting Labor Day weekend!