This week we’ve got a new resource we wanted to bring attention to regarding sex offender registration and a few new events to add to the previous week’s rundown.
From Around the Community
Registration is now open for the 81st Annual National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Conference. The event this year will take place at the Hyatt Regency Denver at the Colorado Convention Center from July 22 – 25. The conference will offer presentations/training tracks on topics such as family law, juvenile justice, child welfare, and family violence. This conference is judicially-focused and open to all those interested in the improvement of juvenile and family justice. For registration and further info, please visit the NCJFCJ website here.

We would like to take a moment to recognize those who recently received renewed certification to specialize in juvenile delinquency during the Annual Luncheon of the N.C. State Bar Board of Legal Specialization. Congratulations to (from left to right) Juvenile Chief of the Wake County Public Defender’s Office and Chair of the Juvenile Specialty Committee Mary Stansell, Regional Defender at N.C. Indigent Defense Services Valerie Pearce, and Juvenile Defender Eric Zogry. Union County Attorney Anna Goodwin, who is also a member of the Juvenile Specialty Committee, was also in attendance.
The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform and the Council of State Governments Justice Center will host the 2018 Janet Reno Forum on May 21 at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. The forum will highlight strategies for restructuring juvenile justice systems to more effectively enhance public safety and improve outcomes for youth. The event will include the presentation of the second annual Janet Reno Endowment Women’s Leadership Award, and attendees will receive a publication featuring the highlighted strategies. Policymakers, practitioners, researchers, advocates, and other stakeholders are invited to attend. Please register here.
New Resource
Since North Carolina does not automatically require juveniles to register if they’ve been adjudicated of a sex offense, many defenders don’t think to discuss sex offender registration with their clients. However, your client may be required to register if your client moves to another state, attends college out of state, or goes to Virginia or South Carolina for treatment. This resource – “A Snapshot of Juvenile Sex Offender Registration and Notification” will help you to advise your clients of potential issues if they leave North Carolina. Please note that the manual is from 2010, so be sure to double-check that no new laws have been passed since then, but it’s a great starting point. Additionally, if you find that DJJ is recommending sending your client for treatment in a state that will require your client to be on its sex offender registry (notably Virginia and South Carolina), please contact our office. We have a motion for you to file to ask the court to enter an injunction regarding placement in a facility that would require the juvenile to register (and it’s been successful – many judges don’t understand this either).
Disability Rights North Carolina will be hosting its 2018 Disability Advocacy Conference next Thursday, Apr. 19. The conference offers 5.0 CLE credits for lawyers, which includes 1.0 credit hour for substance abuse/mental health awareness. Sessions include parental rights, restrictive interventions in public schools, guardianship reforms, and a session exclusively tailored to attorneys titled “Recognizing and Responding to a Lawyer with a Mental Health Disorder”, just to name a few. To learn more about this event and register please visit their web page here.
Registration is now open for N.C. Bar Association’s annual meeting, this year titled “The Future of Law”. This event will be hosted at the Wilmington Convention Center from June 21 – 24. For those who register before May 1, a President’s Luncheon ticket and 6.0 CLE credit hours will be included with the registration price. Topics covered will include artificial intelligence, virtual reality, design thinking in the law, and the future of legal service delivery. For further info and to register please check out the NCBA website and the event brochure.

On May 10, the N.C. Bar Association will be hosting “Raise the Age: A New Era for Juvenile Justice in North Carolina” at the N.C. Bar Center in Cary, from 8:25 a.m. to 3 p.m. This seminar promises to expand attendees’ understanding of the Juvenile Justice Reinvestment Act and its practical and ethical implications. Attendees will receive 5.5 CLE credits total, with 1.0 CLE credit in Ethics/Professional Responsibility and 4.5 General CLE credits. For further details about this event, please check the website here.
We hope you saved the date! It was recently announced that the 2018 Defender Trial School, cosponsored by the School of Government and the North Carolina Office of Indigent Defense Services, will be held Monday, July 9 through Friday, July 13, 2018, at the School of Government on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus. Defender Trial School participants will use their own cases to develop a cohesive theory of defense at trial and apply that theory through all stages of trial, including voir dire, opening and closing arguments, and direct and cross-examination. The program will offer approximately 30 hours of general CLE credit and qualifies for NC State Bar criminal law specialization credit. The Defender Trial School is open to public defenders and a limited number of private attorneys who perform a significant amount of appointed work. Further details will be provided on the course page in the near future. Any questions or requests for additional info should be directed to Tanya Jisa at / 919.843.8981 or Professor John Rubin at 919.962.2498.

Job Opportunities
The National Center for Youth Law (NCYL) is seeking a mid-level policy attorney to handle youth justice issues in Santa Clara County. Applications will be accepted until Sunday, Apr. 15, so get yours in soon! For further details and to apply please check here.
The National Juvenile Justice Network (NJJN) is still accepting applications for its 2018-19 Youth Justice Leadership Institute. This is an annual year-long fellowship program that selects 10 people of color working as professionals in the juvenile justice field to participate in a curriculum to develop their leadership and advocacy skills. The fellowship can be completed with the fellows’ current employment, so those selected will not have to leave their jobs to participate in the Institute. The fellowship will include two fully financed retreats, mentoring and frequent distance learning opportunities. Applications for the Institute (found here) must be submitted by Apr. 23.
The National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) is currently hiring a strategic communications manager. The individual in this position will be responsible for crafting organizational messaging, overseeing editorial excellence, and working with leadership to implement a communications strategy that is creative, forward-thinking, and reflective of NJDC’s vision. This position will remain opened until filled. To find further info about the position and how to apply, please go here.
The UNC School of Government is seeking a tenure-track full-time permanent assistant professor of juvenile justice and criminal law. The selected candidate for this position will be expected “to write for, advise, plan courses for, and teach” public officials, including judges, magistrates, law enforcement, prosecutors and defenders. Applications will remain open until the position is filled. The expected starting date for the new hire will be July 1. Please find the full details for the position and how to apply here.
This will do it for now. We will be in contact with a few members of the N.C. juvenile defender community soon, providing a survey to gather feedback to improve our communications as we did last year. If you do not receive an email from us with a link to the survey, please feel free to contact us any time with your thoughts for our blog, podcast, Facebook, Twitter, or the listserv. We are always seeking ways to provide better support to defenders. Thank you for reading and we will be sure to share more next week!
#MaryStansell #substanceabuse #NationalCenterforYouthLaw #EricZogry #Washington #SouthCarolina #regionaldefender #IDS #womensleadership #NationalJuvenileDefenderCenter #DisabilityRightsNC #JohnRubin #SexOffenses #Specialization #indigentdefense #NCBarAssociation #WakeCounty #NorthCarolina #Virginia #YouthJusticeLeadershipInstitute #JuvenileJustice #UNC #sexoffenderregistration #TanyaJisa #JanetReno #ethics #GeorgetownUniversity #AnnaGoodwin #SchoolofGovernment #ValeriePearce #CenterforJuvenileJusticeReform #CouncilofStateGovernments #NCStateBar #Union #CLE #RaiseTheAge #MentalHealth #NationalJuvenileJusticeNetwork #publicdefender #Wilmington #NationalCouncilofJuvenileJusticeandFamilyCourtJudges