We are excited to announce two new juvenile defender contractors!
In High Point, Starr Ward is now representing juveniles in delinquency court, where she joins current contractor Thomas Smothers. Starr is a 2001 graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill and, in 2004, received her Juris Doctor from Campbell University School of Law. She immediately began work as an Assistant Public Defender in Durham and in 2008 joined the Public Defender’s Office in High Point. After the birth of her second son she entered private practice in 2010. She can be reached at 336-686-7913, starr@starrwardlaw.com, or at www.starrwardlaw.com.
In Johnston County, Lama Sinno is the new juvenile delinquency contractor, joining current contractor Aleta Ballard. Lama grew up in Durham, North Carolina and obtained her undergraduate degree from UNC Chapel Hill in 1995. She obtained her law degree from Campbell University in 2001. Lama has been in private practice in Johnston County since October 2003. She practices criminal law, represents parents and juveniles in juvenile proceedings and represents injured workers in workers compensation claims. She lives in Clayton, North Carolina with her husband and daughter, who are also avid Tarheel fans. She can be reached at lama.a.sinno@gmail.com, or via Facebook and LinkedIn.
Contact information for all of the juvenile delinquency contractors can be found here: https://ncjuveniledefender.wordpress.com/information-for-defenders/materials-for-defenders/. Congratulations to Starr and Lama!