Habekah Cannon is a second-year law student at North Carolina Central School of Law. She is a summa cum laude graduate of the esteemed Hampton University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. She was motivated to enroll in law school out of a love for public service and desire to advocate for juveniles.
Habekah is very passionate about promoting positive change in the juvenile justice system. In addition to law school, Habekah serves as a Guardian ad Litem in Durham County, where she advocates on behalf of abused and neglected children. She also volunteers at the Durham County Youth Home, where she works with juveniles to encourage positive behavior and self-image.
As an intern with the Office of the Juvenile Defender, her goal is to complement the mission of the office by assisting with matters that pertain to juvenile policy through legal research and memorandums, as well as gain valuable insight into the nuances of representing juveniles involved in delinquency matters.