Last week we posted a blog with a preview of UNC School of Government Professor LaToya Powell’s upcoming Juvenile Law Bulletin. The Bulletin, Applying the Reasonable Child Standard to Juvenile Interrogations After J.D.B. v. North Carolina, is now available.
The Bulletin provides a step-by-step history and deconstruction of the traditional Miranda analysis before and after J.D.B., reviewing both North Carolina and national decisions on the interpretation of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision.
Most helpful to defenders will be Professor Powell’s review of how other objective factors are weighed in the custody analysis (Section III.B.), listing seven important factual considerations when custody is in question. Another bonus of the Bulletin is Professor Powell’s footnoted discussion of the “reasonable child” standard as it applies to searches in North Carolina under In re I.R.T., 184 N.C. app. 579 (2007).