On this page we will compile statistical data, reports and other references to assist defenders in juvenile delinquency cases.
The North Carolina Stats
N.C. DPS 2016 Juvenile Justice Report: Here you will find the most recent annual report on juvenile justice from the N.C. Department of Public Safety. This report details initiatives to improve the juvenile justice system, compares commitments of youth based on age, ethnicity, etc., and describes the effectiveness of certain programs, etc.
The National Stats
Juvenile Court Statistics (2014): The National Center for Juvenile Justice created this 2014 report from the National Juvenile Court Data Archive. The report presents trends and describes delinquency cases and status offense cases from 2005 to 2014.
Indicators of School Crime and Safety (2016): The National Center for Education Statistics created this report detailing crime and safety on school campuses. Details include types of bullying, victimization of students and teachers, hate-related incidents, and drug- and violence-related crimes.