OJD Week in Review: June 18 – 22
Welcome back for the weekly roundup. There are a couple of new job opportunities added and approaching deadlines we’re highlighting, but...
OJD Week in Review: June 18 – 22
OJD Week in Review: Oct. 9-13
“Mothers: What Do They Know? And More Importantly, What Don’t They Know?” by Dr. A
OJD Big Week Wrap-Up: Gault, H280, and Training
House Holds Hearing for House Bill 280, Governor Gives Proclamation for Gault
“The Improper Use of Electronic Monitors in Juvenile Court” by Guest Blogger Mitchell Fe
NCCALJ Presents Final Report to the Chief Justice
#RaisetheAgeNC is Becoming a Reality with Introduction of New Bill
A Summary of the NCCALJ Committee on Criminal Investigation and Adjudication’s Juvenile Reinve
Juvenile Recidivism Study